The Unbranded Drawer
Abortion Recovery Evangelist Ministry

More About Stephanie Sye
I spent my entire life crossing lines I said I would not cross. From a life of drugs and promiscuity, to living on the road headed straight to hell. I spent years looking for love from others but I did not love myself. I was violent in relationships. I always ended up dating those who were violent as well, because that is just what I thought was normal. I spent three years working at a strip club and prostituting women to men. I hurt my family. I hurt my friends, and I hurt my children. The one line I swore I'd never cross was to have an abortion. I was far too clever to ever get myself into a position to ever need one anyways. But then one day, well that line looked a little thinner and I was in a situation I thought I could not face. I crossed that line and was never the same. At one point I decided I wanted to die. I feared going to heaven would force me to face a child I did not keep. I couldn't bare that thought and so I was determined to kill myself, thinking it would send me to hell. Well I thankfully gave God a chance as a last stitch hope of finding any peace and ended up in church. A Pastor who I will forever be grateful to mentioned that dirty word, ABORTION. He just didn't say what I thought he would. He said that the relationship between a mother who aborted a child and that child who had been aborted, would be restored in heaven because of God's grace. Because heaven is love and not sorrow or things of this world that child would have no reason to save that memory of a decision I had made. It was the day that changed my life. He did not know it, but that pastor was given a sermon by a loving God who knew that there would be a woman who HAD to hear those words because that was the last day she was ever going to live in that fear of facing her precious child that she decided had no right to live.
I speak openly about abortion and the process because I hope it will give truth to women about the lies they tell you in those clinics and the pain you will surely carry in your heart once it is over. I can assure you that the end of an abortion, is merely the beginning of a life carrying a secret that will not be a light burden to carry alone. I believe if I can open that door and tell my story first, that I can give women a place to turn to, in order to recover from their own abortions. Yes we have a right to recover from our mistakes.

Straight from the Source
I was in a place of hopelessness. I knew that I made the decision to have an abortion, it was because I was chancing my own life. I was having a hard time living with the decision and I had nobody to talk to until I heard about a private group Stephanie led. In that group "surrendering the secret" I found that I was allowed to mourn my child. Stephanie taught me that.
Carolyn S.
I knew Stephanie before she was saved. In fact I was her husband long ago. I was never a believer. It wasn't until years of watching her on facebook, I realized the changes that were taking place in her life. I decided after going through my own struggles to call her one day. She invited me to her home where her and her husband host a ministry in the winter. There they prayed for me and I felt the presence of the Lord for the first time in my life. I am now a saved christian myself. I am thankful for Stephanie's willingness to share her past.
Jason F.
I met Stephanie when I was looking for insurance. I walked into her agency after having a huge falling out with a friend. I was prideful and happy that I told this friend all about herself. I shared this with Stephanie and she started telling me about the love of God and how we should give people grace like God gives us. It was the first time someone outside of church every talked to me about God in a one on one setting. It helped me to find a relationship with God for myself. I will always look at Stephanie as a spiritual mother.
Diana U.
I asked Stephanie to speak at an event and share her testimony. She was able to articulate her story in a way that really captured the crowd and spoke to the hearts of those there.
Kaitlyn A